Monday, January 2, 2012

How to Use Cryolite correctly

Cryolite (sodium hexafluoroaluminate) is an uncommon mineral .It is a bleached monoclinic quartz glass; It slightly dissoluble in the water, and the water solution shows the acidity. When mixed with sulfuric acid, it will be disintegrated with the caustic atomic number 1 fluoride. They're primarily used as flux for aluminum production, pesticide, and for deoxyephedrine, enamel, resin and no-good industries as well. A curiosity mineral. The blanched substantial ostensibly vanishes in water system referable the proximity of their refractive indices.
Historically, cryolite equalled habituated as an aluminium ore and later in the electrolytic processing of the atomic number 13 ore bauxite.
Pure cryolite itself melts at 1012 °C (1285 K), and it fire fade away the aluminium oxides sufficiently easily to earmark easy extraction of the aluminium by electrolysis.
Respectable get-up-and-go constitutes still compelled for both heating the materials and the electrolysis, but it is much more energy-efficient than melting the oxides themselves. Now, as natural cryolite is too rare to be used for this purpose, a posteriori sodium atomic number 13 fluoride constitutes brought on from the more common mineral fluorite.
More infromation: Use Cryolite correctly
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