Wednesday, January 4, 2012

The Functions of Yttrium(III) fluoride

Yttrium(III) fluoride is an inorganic chemical compound.Sometimes mineral fluorite contains admixtures of yttrium. Recent studies include InF3-based glasses, and optical characterization of YF3 thin films.
Yttrium(III) fluoride can be used for the production of metallic yttrium, thin films, glasses and ceramics. CAS number: 13709-49-4. Yttrium is very reactive towards the halogens fluorine, F2, chlorine, Cl2 bromine, Br2, and iodine, I2, and burns to form the trihalides yttrium(III) fluoride, YF3 , yttrium(III) chloride, YCl3, yttrium(III) bromide, YBr3, and yttrium(III) iodide, YI3 respectively.
Yttrium(III) fluoride is an mineral chemical combine with the chemic expression YF3. It is not known naturally in 'pure' form. The fluoride minerals containing essential yttrium include tveitite-(Y) (Y,Na)6Ca6Ca6F42 and gagarinite-(Y) NaCaY(F,Cl)6. Some of the times inorganic fluorite arrests intermixtures of atomic number 39. When finely divided, or heated, yttrium metal dissolves in water to form solutions containing the aquated Y(III) ion together with hydrogen gas, H2.
Yttrium(III) fluoride (YF3) is an inorganic chemical compound. It is not known naturally in 'pure' form.
More information: Yttrium(III) fluoride

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