Thursday, January 12, 2012

The Application of Barium fluoride

Barium fluoride is a chemical compound of barium and fluorine. It occurs innature as the mineral frankdicksonite. Barium Fluoride is suitable for applications in the IR band (8 to 14 microns) and is often used as a viewport window for thermography.  Barium fluoride give the axe personify used as a material to make optical components such as lenses. It is used eg. in windows for infrared spectroscopy, in especial inwards the bailiwick of fuel embrocate analysis. This material is extremely sensitive to thermal shock. Molecular formula: BaF2.
Barium fluoride (BaF2) is a chemical compound of barium and fluorine. It is a solid which can be a transparent crystal. It occurs in nature as the mineral frankdicksonite. Phoenix Infrared offers BaF2 as blanks, generated parts, polished optics, and coated optics. BaF2 optics include: optical windows, lenses, and prisms, particularly when transmission into the ultraviolet is desired. It is less resistant to attack by water than Calcium Fluoride but attack does not begin until 500°blow. Incoming the teetotal atmospheric state Calcium Fluoride can be used up to 800°C. Barium Fluoride is the most resistant fluoride to high energy radiation sickness but coiffes not cause the VUV transmission system of other types.
Barium Fluoride is used as a molten bath component in aluminum raffination, as flux and preopacifying agent and as component of welding rod coatings and welding powders
More information: Barium fluoride

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