Friday, April 13, 2012

What is 9-(Hydroxymethyl)anthracene?

Molecular Formula:C15H12O
Molecular Weight: 208.26g/mol
mp: 163 °C
9-(Hydroxymethyl)anthracene occurs as ablaze chicken solid with its melting point 162-164 °C(lit.).It is abiding but adverse with able acerbic agents. Its abstention is not beneath than 98.0%(GC).It's the brand of EP.The blueprint is 25G or 250G.
Anthracene is a solid polycyclic ambrosial hydrocarbon consisting of three alloyed benzene rings. It is a basic of coal-tar. Anthracene is acclimated in the assembly of the red dye alizarin and added dyes. Anthracene is achromatic but exhibits a dejected (400-500 nm peak) fluorescence beneath ultraviolet light.
In 2010, a able assimilation bandage of anthracene was empiric forth a band of afterimage to a brilliant in the accessible array IC 348, and this may be associated with an amid atomic cloud.
More about: 9-(Hydroxymethyl)anthracene sale
Read more: chemical materials

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