Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Uses of 9-(Hydroxymethyl)anthracene

Anthracene is a solid polycyclic ambrosial hydrocarbon consisting of three alloyed benzene rings. It is a basic of coal-tar. Anthracene is acclimated in the assembly of the red dye alizarin and added dyes. Anthracene is achromatic but exhibits a dejected (400-500 nm peak) fluorescence beneath ultraviolet light.
In 2010, a able assimilation bandage of anthracene was empiric forth a band of afterimage to a brilliant in the accessible array IC 348, and this may be associated with an amid atomic cloud.
Commercial anthracene is acquired from atramentous tar, accepted algae getting phenanthrene and carbazole. A archetypal class adjustment for the alertness of anthracene is by cyclodehydration of o-methyl- or o-methylene-substituted diarylketones in the alleged Elbs reaction.
Anthracene is adapted mainly to anthroquinone, a forerunner to dyes.
Anthracene is an amoebic semiconductor. It is acclimated as a scintillator for detectors of top activity photons, electrons and alpha particles. Plastics, such as polyvinyltoluene, can be benumbed with anthracene to aftermath a artificial scintillator that is about water-equivalent for use in radiation analysis dosimetry. Anthracene's discharge spectrum peaks at amid 400 nm and 440 nm.
It is aswell acclimated in copse preservatives, insecticides, and blanket materials.
A array of anthracene derivatives acquisition alcove uses. Derivatives accepting a hydroxyl accumulation are 1-hydroxyanthracene and 2-hydroxyanthracene, akin to phenol and naphthols, and hydroxyanthracene (also alleged anthrol, and anthracenol) are pharmacologically active. Anthracene may aswell be begin with assorted hydroxyl groups, as in 9,10-dihydroxyanthracene.
More about: 9-(Hydroxymethyl)anthracene sale
Read more: chemical materials

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