Friday, December 2, 2011

What is Barium titanate

Barium titanate is an oxide of barium and titanium. CAS: 12047-27-7. Inframat Advanced Materials specializes in the manufacturing, sourcing, and worldwide distribution of Barium Titanate nano powder. Our expertise in the fields of nano materials, advanced ceramics, rare earth chemicals, thermal spray powders, solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) materials, catalysts, nano-magnetics, electroplating, and biotechnology allows us to supply our customers with Barium Titanate nano powder of the highest quality and purity at a competitive price. This titanate is a ferroelectric ceramic material, with a photorefractive effect and piezoelectric properties.
Barium titanate is used as a dielectric material for ceramic capacitors, and as a piezoelectric material for microphones and other transducers. It is a crystalline ceramic used in capacitors and piezoelectric devices. Formula: BaTiO 3. It is soluble in many acids including sulfuric, hydrochloric and hydrofluoric acids. It is insoluble in alkalis and water. The Curie temperature can to some extent be controlled by the dopant. At the Curie temperature, barium titanate undergoes a phase change from tetrahedral to cubic.
As a semiconductor it exhibits positive temperature of co-efficient of resistivity (PTCR) properties in the polycrystalline form. It is a ferroelectric ceramic material, with a photorefractive effect and piezoelectric properties. This means at a certain temperature, called the Curie temperature, the material will exhibit an increase in resistivity, the increase typically being several orders of magnitude. Barium titanate also exhibits ferroelectric properties and is an excellent photorefractive material.
More about: Buy Barium titanate
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