Thursday, December 15, 2011

Barium fluoride for Sale

Barium fluoride is a chemical compound of barium and fluorine. Molecular Weight:  175.34 g/mol. It occurs innature as the mineral frankdicksonite.Barium fluoride can be used as a material to make optical components such as lenses. CAS:7787-32-8. It is used eg. in windows for infrared spectroscopy, in particular in the field of fuel oil analysis. As a halogen, fluorine forms a monovalent ion (-1 charge). Fluoride forms a binary compound with another element or radical.
Barium fluoride is used for optical windows, prisms and lenses transmitting from the vacuum ultraviolet into the Infrared. Molecular formula: BaF2. BaF² is also a scintillation material that exhibits one of the fastest known decay constants among inorganic materials. Fluorides are organic and inorganic compounds containing the element fluorine.
Barium Fluoride is grown by vacuum Stockbarger technique. Unlike CaF2, BaF2 is not found in the native state and all material must be synthesised chemically making BaF2 relatively expensive to produce. This material is extremely sensitive to thermal shock. Examples of fluoride compounds include hydrofluoric acid (HF), sodium fluoride (NaF) and calcium fluoride (CaF2), and uranium hexafluoride (UF6). The highest quality Barium Fluoride also has application as the fastest known scintillator material and is used in High Energy Physics Experiments.
Barium fluoride is transparent from the ultraviolet to the infrared, from 150–200 nm to 11–11.5 µm, and can be used as a material to make optical components such as lenses. It is used in windows for infrared spectroscopy, in particular in the field of fuel oil analysis. Its transmittance at 200 nm is relatively low (0.60), but at 500 nm it goes up to 0.96–0.97 and stays at that level until 9 µm, then it starts falling off (0.85 for 10 µm and 0.42 for 12 µm). The refractive index is about 1.46 from 700 nm to 5 µm.
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