Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Where to find Exo-3,6-Epoxy-1,2,3,6-tetrahydrophthalic Acid?
Hydrophthalic Acid is one of those areas that candidly has a lot of new inventions advancing up about every day. Of course, superior is added important than abundance but dont' overlook about the aspect of chance. In college sample admeasurement there is that college probablity of somethign advantageous advancing up.
Phthalic Acid is an ambrosial dicarboxylic acid, with blueprint C6H4(CO2H)2. It is an isomer of isophthalic acerbic and terephthalic acid. Although phthalic acerbic is of bashful bartering importance, the carefully accompanying acquired phthalic anhydride is a article actinic produced on a ample scale.
It is a dibasic acid, with pKa's of 2.89 and 5.51. The monopotassium salt, potassium hydrogen phthalate is a accepted acerbic in analytic chemistry. Typically phthalate esters are able from the broadly accessible phthalic anhydride. Reduction of phthalic acerbic with sodium admixture in the attendance of baptize gives the 1,3-cyclohexadiene derivative.
Phthalic acid is one of three isomers of benzenedicarboxylic acid, the others getting isophthalic acerbic and terephthalic acid. Sometimes the appellation "phthalic acids" is acclimated to accredit to this ancestors of isomers, but in the singular, "phthalic acid", refers alone to the ortho- isomer.
More about: Exo-3,6-Epoxy-1,2,3,6-tetrahydrophthalic Acid sale
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Monday, April 23, 2012
What is Cholesterol Stearate?
Cholesterol Stearate
CAS Number: 35602-69-8
Molecular Weight: 653.12
Molecular Formula: C45H80O2
Cholesterol Stearate occurs as white crumb with its melting point 79-83 °C(lit.).Its abstention is not beneath than 97.0%(T).It's the brand of EP.The blueprint is 25G or 500G.This artefact should be stored at -20°C.
A cholesteryl ester is, as its name would imply, an ester of cholesterol. The ester band is formed amid the carboxylate accumulation of a blubbery acerbic and the hydroxyl accumulation of cholesterol. Cholesteryl esters accept a lower solubility in baptize than cholesterol and, in added words, are added hydrophobic. They are associated with atherosclerosis.
More about: Cholesterol Stearate sale
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CAS Number: 35602-69-8
Molecular Weight: 653.12
Molecular Formula: C45H80O2
Cholesterol Stearate occurs as white crumb with its melting point 79-83 °C(lit.).Its abstention is not beneath than 97.0%(T).It's the brand of EP.The blueprint is 25G or 500G.This artefact should be stored at -20°C.
A cholesteryl ester is, as its name would imply, an ester of cholesterol. The ester band is formed amid the carboxylate accumulation of a blubbery acerbic and the hydroxyl accumulation of cholesterol. Cholesteryl esters accept a lower solubility in baptize than cholesterol and, in added words, are added hydrophobic. They are associated with atherosclerosis.
More about: Cholesterol Stearate sale
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Thursday, April 19, 2012
Characteristics of Tin Powder
Tin is a actinic aspect with the attribute Sn (for Latin: stannum) and diminutive amount 50. It is a capital accumulation metal in accumulation 14 of the alternate table. Tin shows actinic affinity to both adjoining accumulation 14 elements, germanium and advance and has two accessible blaze states, +2 and the hardly added abiding +4. Tin is the 49th a lot of abounding aspect and has, with 10 abiding isotopes, the better amount of abiding isotopes in the alternate table. Tin is acquired chiefly from the mineral cassiterite, area it occurs as tin dioxide, SnO2.
Tin is a malleable, adaptable and awful apparent silvery-white metal. If a bar of tin is bent, a crackling complete accepted as the tin cry can be heard due to the twinning of the crystals. Tin melts at a low temperature of about 232 °C, which is added bargain to 177.3 °C for 11-nm particles.
β-tin (the brownish form, or white tin), which is abiding at and aloft allowance temperature, is malleable. In contrast, α-tin (nonmetallic form, or gray tin), which is abiding beneath 13.2 °C, is brittle. α-tin has a design cubic clear structure, agnate to diamond, silicon or germanium. α-tin has no brownish backdrop at all because its atoms anatomy a covalent anatomy area electrons cannot move freely. It is a dull-gray arenaceous actual with no accepted uses, added than a few specialized semiconductor applications.[2] These two allotropes, α-tin and β-tin, are added frequently accepted as gray tin and white tin, respectively. Two added allotropes, γ and σ, abide at temperatures aloft 161 °C and pressures aloft several GPa. Although the α-β transformation temperature is nominally 13.2 °C, algae (e.g. Al, Zn, etc.) lower the alteration temperature able-bodied beneath 0 °C, and aloft accession of Sb or Bi the transformation may not action at all, accretion the backbone of the tin.
Commercial grades of tin (99.8%) abide transformation because of the inhibiting aftereffect of the baby amounts of bismuth, antimony, advance and argent present as impurities. Alloying elements such as copper, antimony, bismuth, cadmium and argent access its hardness. Tin tends rather calmly to anatomy hard, breakable intermetallic phases, which are generally undesirable. It does not anatomy advanced solid band-aid ranges in added metals in general, and there are few elements that accept apparent solid solubility in tin. Simple eutectic systems, however, action with bismuth, gallium, lead, thallium and zinc.
Tin becomes a superconductor beneath 3.72 K. In fact, tin was one of the aboriginal superconductors to be studied; the Meissner effect, one of the appropriate appearance of superconductors, was aboriginal apparent in superconducting tin crystals.
Tin resists bane from baptize but can be attacked by acids and alkalis. Tin can be awful able and is acclimated as a careful covering for added metals. In this case the accumulation of a careful oxide band is acclimated to anticipate added oxidation. This oxide band forms on pewter and added tin alloys. Tin acts as a agitator if oxygen is in band-aid and helps advance actinic attack.
More about: Tin Powder sale
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Tin is a malleable, adaptable and awful apparent silvery-white metal. If a bar of tin is bent, a crackling complete accepted as the tin cry can be heard due to the twinning of the crystals. Tin melts at a low temperature of about 232 °C, which is added bargain to 177.3 °C for 11-nm particles.
β-tin (the brownish form, or white tin), which is abiding at and aloft allowance temperature, is malleable. In contrast, α-tin (nonmetallic form, or gray tin), which is abiding beneath 13.2 °C, is brittle. α-tin has a design cubic clear structure, agnate to diamond, silicon or germanium. α-tin has no brownish backdrop at all because its atoms anatomy a covalent anatomy area electrons cannot move freely. It is a dull-gray arenaceous actual with no accepted uses, added than a few specialized semiconductor applications.[2] These two allotropes, α-tin and β-tin, are added frequently accepted as gray tin and white tin, respectively. Two added allotropes, γ and σ, abide at temperatures aloft 161 °C and pressures aloft several GPa. Although the α-β transformation temperature is nominally 13.2 °C, algae (e.g. Al, Zn, etc.) lower the alteration temperature able-bodied beneath 0 °C, and aloft accession of Sb or Bi the transformation may not action at all, accretion the backbone of the tin.
Commercial grades of tin (99.8%) abide transformation because of the inhibiting aftereffect of the baby amounts of bismuth, antimony, advance and argent present as impurities. Alloying elements such as copper, antimony, bismuth, cadmium and argent access its hardness. Tin tends rather calmly to anatomy hard, breakable intermetallic phases, which are generally undesirable. It does not anatomy advanced solid band-aid ranges in added metals in general, and there are few elements that accept apparent solid solubility in tin. Simple eutectic systems, however, action with bismuth, gallium, lead, thallium and zinc.
Tin becomes a superconductor beneath 3.72 K. In fact, tin was one of the aboriginal superconductors to be studied; the Meissner effect, one of the appropriate appearance of superconductors, was aboriginal apparent in superconducting tin crystals.
Tin resists bane from baptize but can be attacked by acids and alkalis. Tin can be awful able and is acclimated as a careful covering for added metals. In this case the accumulation of a careful oxide band is acclimated to anticipate added oxidation. This oxide band forms on pewter and added tin alloys. Tin acts as a agitator if oxygen is in band-aid and helps advance actinic attack.
More about: Tin Powder sale
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What is Camphor used for?
Camphor is a waxy, white or cellophane solid with a strong, ambrosial odor. It is a terpenoid with the actinic blueprint C10H16O. It is begin in copse of the camphor account (Cinnamomum camphora), a ample beloved timberline begin in Asia (particularly in Borneo and Taiwan) and aswell of Dryobalanops aromatica, a behemothic of the Bornean forests. It aswell occurs in some added accompanying copse in the account family, conspicuously Ocotea usambarensis. Dried rosemary leaves (Rosmarinus officinalis), in the excellent family, accommodate up to 20% camphor. It can aswell be synthetically produced from oil of turpentine. It is acclimated for its scent, as an additive in affable (mainly in India), as an embalming fluid, for alleviative purposes, and in religious ceremonies. A above antecedent of camphor in Asia is camphor basil.
Norcamphor is a camphor acquired with the three methyl groups replaced by hydrogen.
Modern uses cover Camphor as a plasticizer for nitrocellulose (see Celluloid), as a moth repellent, as an antimicrobial substance, in embalming, and in fireworks. Solid camphor releases effluvium that anatomy a rust-preventative coating, and is accordingly stored in apparatus chests to assure accoutrement adjoin rust.
Camphor crystals are aswell acclimated to anticipate accident to insect collections by added baby insects, aswell as a ahem suppressant. Some folk remedies accompaniment camphor will avert snakes and added reptiles due to its able odor. Similarly, camphor is believed to be baneful to insects and is appropriately sometimes acclimated as a repellent.
Camphor is readily captivated through the derma and produces a activity of cooling agnate to that of menthol, and acts as slight bounded analgesic and antimicrobial substance. There are anti-itch gels and cooling gels with camphor as the alive ingredient. Camphor is an alive additive (along with menthol) in vapor-steam products, such as Vicks VapoRub. Although accustomed as a ahem suppressant, it has no furnishings on respiratory amplitude function. A contempo advertisement in Pediatrics suggests the contemporary appliance of VapoRub may advance affection of colds and beddy-bye superior if compared to a control.
Camphor may aswell be administered orally in baby quantities (50 mg) for accessory affection affection and fatigue. Through abundant of the 1900s this was awash beneath the barter name Musterole; assembly accomplished in the 1990s.
In the 18th century, camphor was acclimated by Auenbrugger in the analysis of mania.
More about: (+ -)-Camphor sale
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Norcamphor is a camphor acquired with the three methyl groups replaced by hydrogen.
Modern uses cover Camphor as a plasticizer for nitrocellulose (see Celluloid), as a moth repellent, as an antimicrobial substance, in embalming, and in fireworks. Solid camphor releases effluvium that anatomy a rust-preventative coating, and is accordingly stored in apparatus chests to assure accoutrement adjoin rust.
Camphor crystals are aswell acclimated to anticipate accident to insect collections by added baby insects, aswell as a ahem suppressant. Some folk remedies accompaniment camphor will avert snakes and added reptiles due to its able odor. Similarly, camphor is believed to be baneful to insects and is appropriately sometimes acclimated as a repellent.
Camphor is readily captivated through the derma and produces a activity of cooling agnate to that of menthol, and acts as slight bounded analgesic and antimicrobial substance. There are anti-itch gels and cooling gels with camphor as the alive ingredient. Camphor is an alive additive (along with menthol) in vapor-steam products, such as Vicks VapoRub. Although accustomed as a ahem suppressant, it has no furnishings on respiratory amplitude function. A contempo advertisement in Pediatrics suggests the contemporary appliance of VapoRub may advance affection of colds and beddy-bye superior if compared to a control.
Camphor may aswell be administered orally in baby quantities (50 mg) for accessory affection affection and fatigue. Through abundant of the 1900s this was awash beneath the barter name Musterole; assembly accomplished in the 1990s.
In the 18th century, camphor was acclimated by Auenbrugger in the analysis of mania.
More about: (+ -)-Camphor sale
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Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Uses of 9-(Hydroxymethyl)anthracene
Anthracene is a solid polycyclic ambrosial hydrocarbon consisting of three alloyed benzene rings. It is a basic of coal-tar. Anthracene is acclimated in the assembly of the red dye alizarin and added dyes. Anthracene is achromatic but exhibits a dejected (400-500 nm peak) fluorescence beneath ultraviolet light.
In 2010, a able assimilation bandage of anthracene was empiric forth a band of afterimage to a brilliant in the accessible array IC 348, and this may be associated with an amid atomic cloud.
Commercial anthracene is acquired from atramentous tar, accepted algae getting phenanthrene and carbazole. A archetypal class adjustment for the alertness of anthracene is by cyclodehydration of o-methyl- or o-methylene-substituted diarylketones in the alleged Elbs reaction.
Anthracene is adapted mainly to anthroquinone, a forerunner to dyes.
Anthracene is an amoebic semiconductor. It is acclimated as a scintillator for detectors of top activity photons, electrons and alpha particles. Plastics, such as polyvinyltoluene, can be benumbed with anthracene to aftermath a artificial scintillator that is about water-equivalent for use in radiation analysis dosimetry. Anthracene's discharge spectrum peaks at amid 400 nm and 440 nm.
It is aswell acclimated in copse preservatives, insecticides, and blanket materials.
A array of anthracene derivatives acquisition alcove uses. Derivatives accepting a hydroxyl accumulation are 1-hydroxyanthracene and 2-hydroxyanthracene, akin to phenol and naphthols, and hydroxyanthracene (also alleged anthrol, and anthracenol) are pharmacologically active. Anthracene may aswell be begin with assorted hydroxyl groups, as in 9,10-dihydroxyanthracene.
More about: 9-(Hydroxymethyl)anthracene sale
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Monday, April 16, 2012
What is Molybdenum wire?

Molybdenum wire is generally acclimated to accomplish locations that accommodate structural support, even at actual top temperatures. For example, it is frequently acclimated for assorted boiler components, like heating elements, outlets and windings. Its top melting point makes molybdenum wire acceptable for specialized, high-temperature furnaces featuring hydrogen or exhaustion atmospheres.
Another accepted use for molybdenum wire is as locations for ablaze bulbs. For example, it can be acclimated in the accomplish of supports for lamp filaments fabricated from tungsten, to accomplish leads for halogen lamp bulbs, and to accomplish electrodes for gas acquittal lamps and tubes. This blazon of wire is aswell acclimated in the windshields of airplanes, area it functions as a heating element, accouterment defrosting. Molybdenum wire is aswell acclimated in the accomplish of electron tubes and ability tube grids.
The apparent of the wire can either be apple-pie or coated. Coated wire is atramentous in color, because it is covered in oxides and lubricants. The compactness backbone of wire is generally an important application in manufacturing, and aswell affects the actualization of the wire: the added compactness strength, the beneath beeline the wire is.
Molybdenum wire frequently comes in sizes from 0.001 inches (0.025 mm) in diameter, to 0.25 inches (6.35 mm) in diameter. Its admeasurement can be abstinent either in inches, or in mils, with 1 mil getting according to one thousandth of an inch. For actual attenuate wire, the admeasurement is bidding in the anatomy of weight of a assertive breadth of wire, rather than by diameter. Molybdenum is agnate in actualization to lead, and even accustomed its name from the Greek chat for lead, molybdos, because it was generally mistaken for advance in age-old times.
More about: Molybdenum wire sale
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What is Benzil?
Benzil(systematically accepted as 1,2-diphenylethane-1,2-dione) is the amoebic admixture with the blueprint (C6H5CO)2, about abbreviated (PhCO)2. This chicken solid is one of the a lot of accepted diketones. Its capital use is as a photoinitiator in polymer chemistry.
Most Benzil is captivated for use in the free-radical abating of polymer networks. Ultraviolet radiation decomposes benzil, breeding free-radical breed aural the material, announcement the accumulation of cross-links. Recently, benzil has been approved to be a almighty inhibitor of animal carboxylesterases, enzymes complex in the hydrolysis of carboxylesters and abounding clinically acclimated drugs.
Benzil is a accepted architecture block in amoebic synthesis. It condenses with amines to accord diketimines ligands. A archetypal amoebic acknowledgment of benzil is the benzilic acerbic rearrangement, in which abject catalyses the about-face of benzil to benzilic acid. This acuteness is exploited in the alertness of the biologic phenytoin. Benzil aswell reacts with 1,3-diphenylacetone in an aldol abstract to accord tetraphenylcyclopentadienone.
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Sunday, April 15, 2012
Where to find Tributyrin?
Molecular Formula:C15H26O6
Molecular Weight: 302.36g/mol
Tributyrin is a triglyceride by itself present in butter. It is an ester composed of butyric acerbic and glycerol. Among added things, it is acclimated as an additive in authoritative margarine. It is frequently occurring in adulate and can be declared as a aqueous fat with an acerbic taste.Tributyrin is aswell acclimated in microbiological laboratories to analyze the bacillus Moraxella catarrhalis.
Butyrin, aswell accepted as Tributyrin, is a triglyceride by itself present in butter. It is an ester composed of butyric acerbic and glycerol. Among added things, it is acclimated as an additive in authoritative margarine. It is frequently occurring in adulate and can be declared as a aqueous fat with an acerbic taste.
Tributyrin is aswell acclimated in microbiological laboratories to analyze the bacillus Moraxella catarrhalis.
Tributyrin is a abiding and rapidly captivated prodrug of butyric acerbic which enhances antiproliferative furnishings of dihydroxycholecalciferol in animal colon blight cells.
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Molecular Formula:C15H26O6
Molecular Weight: 302.36g/mol
Tributyrin is a triglyceride by itself present in butter. It is an ester composed of butyric acerbic and glycerol. Among added things, it is acclimated as an additive in authoritative margarine. It is frequently occurring in adulate and can be declared as a aqueous fat with an acerbic taste.Tributyrin is aswell acclimated in microbiological laboratories to analyze the bacillus Moraxella catarrhalis.
Butyrin, aswell accepted as Tributyrin, is a triglyceride by itself present in butter. It is an ester composed of butyric acerbic and glycerol. Among added things, it is acclimated as an additive in authoritative margarine. It is frequently occurring in adulate and can be declared as a aqueous fat with an acerbic taste.
Tributyrin is aswell acclimated in microbiological laboratories to analyze the bacillus Moraxella catarrhalis.
Tributyrin is a abiding and rapidly captivated prodrug of butyric acerbic which enhances antiproliferative furnishings of dihydroxycholecalciferol in animal colon blight cells.
More about: Tributyrin sale
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Friday, April 13, 2012
What is 9-(Hydroxymethyl)anthracene?
Molecular Formula:C15H12O
Molecular Weight: 208.26g/mol
mp: 163 °C
9-(Hydroxymethyl)anthracene occurs as ablaze chicken solid with its melting point 162-164 °C(lit.).It is abiding but adverse with able acerbic agents. Its abstention is not beneath than 98.0%(GC).It's the brand of EP.The blueprint is 25G or 250G.
Anthracene is a solid polycyclic ambrosial hydrocarbon consisting of three alloyed benzene rings. It is a basic of coal-tar. Anthracene is acclimated in the assembly of the red dye alizarin and added dyes. Anthracene is achromatic but exhibits a dejected (400-500 nm peak) fluorescence beneath ultraviolet light.
In 2010, a able assimilation bandage of anthracene was empiric forth a band of afterimage to a brilliant in the accessible array IC 348, and this may be associated with an amid atomic cloud.
More about: 9-(Hydroxymethyl)anthracene sale
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Molecular Formula:C15H12O
Molecular Weight: 208.26g/mol
mp: 163 °C
9-(Hydroxymethyl)anthracene occurs as ablaze chicken solid with its melting point 162-164 °C(lit.).It is abiding but adverse with able acerbic agents. Its abstention is not beneath than 98.0%(GC).It's the brand of EP.The blueprint is 25G or 250G.
Anthracene is a solid polycyclic ambrosial hydrocarbon consisting of three alloyed benzene rings. It is a basic of coal-tar. Anthracene is acclimated in the assembly of the red dye alizarin and added dyes. Anthracene is achromatic but exhibits a dejected (400-500 nm peak) fluorescence beneath ultraviolet light.
In 2010, a able assimilation bandage of anthracene was empiric forth a band of afterimage to a brilliant in the accessible array IC 348, and this may be associated with an amid atomic cloud.
More about: 9-(Hydroxymethyl)anthracene sale
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Friday, April 6, 2012
Specifications of 1,7-Octadiyne
Molecular Formula:C8H10
Molecular Weight: 106.17g/mol
Physical Appearance: Colorless liquid
Synonyms: 1,7-Dctadiyne;1,7-OCTADIYNE;octa-1,7-diyne;1,7-Octanediyne;Octane-1,7-diyne;1,7-Octadiyne,99%;1,7-Octadiyne,98%
1,7-Octadiyne occurs as bright achromatic to faintly chicken aqueous with its baking point 135-136 °C(lit.). Its abstention is not beneath than 97.0%(GC). It's the brand of EP. The blueprint is 5ML or 25ML. 1,7-Octadiyne should be stored amid 0-6°C.
More about: 1,7-Octadiyne sale
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Molecular Formula:C8H10
Molecular Weight: 106.17g/mol
Physical Appearance: Colorless liquid
Synonyms: 1,7-Dctadiyne;1,7-OCTADIYNE;octa-1,7-diyne;1,7-Octanediyne;Octane-1,7-diyne;1,7-Octadiyne,99%;1,7-Octadiyne,98%
1,7-Octadiyne occurs as bright achromatic to faintly chicken aqueous with its baking point 135-136 °C(lit.). Its abstention is not beneath than 97.0%(GC). It's the brand of EP. The blueprint is 5ML or 25ML. 1,7-Octadiyne should be stored amid 0-6°C.
More about: 1,7-Octadiyne sale
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Monday, April 2, 2012
Specifications of 3,4,9,10-Perylenetetracarboxylic Diimide
3,4,9,10-Perylenetetracarboxylic Diimide
Molecular Formula:C24H10N2O4
Molecular Weight: 390.35g/mol
3,4,9,10-Perylenetetracarboxylic Diimide is pureple paste.The purity is not less than 95.0%(N). It can be used as the important intermediate for the synthesis of perylene dye and pigments. It is also used to colour metallic paint and polyester dope.
In amoebic chemistry, an imide is a anatomic accumulation consisting of two carbonyl groups apprenticed to nitrogen. These compounds are structurally accompanying to acerbic anhydrides. The accord amid esters and amides and amid imides and anhydrides is analogous, the amine-derived groups are beneath reactive. In agreement of bartering applications, imides are best accepted as apparatus of high-strength polymers.
Being awful polar, imides display acceptable solubility in arctic media. The N-H centermost for imides acquired from ammonia is acerb and can participate in hydrogen bonding. Unlike the structurally accompanying acerbic anhydrides, they abide hydrolysis and some can even be recrystallized from baking water.
More about: 3,4,9,10-Perylenetetracarboxylic Diimide sale
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Molecular Formula:C24H10N2O4
Molecular Weight: 390.35g/mol
3,4,9,10-Perylenetetracarboxylic Diimide is pureple paste.The purity is not less than 95.0%(N). It can be used as the important intermediate for the synthesis of perylene dye and pigments. It is also used to colour metallic paint and polyester dope.
In amoebic chemistry, an imide is a anatomic accumulation consisting of two carbonyl groups apprenticed to nitrogen. These compounds are structurally accompanying to acerbic anhydrides. The accord amid esters and amides and amid imides and anhydrides is analogous, the amine-derived groups are beneath reactive. In agreement of bartering applications, imides are best accepted as apparatus of high-strength polymers.
Being awful polar, imides display acceptable solubility in arctic media. The N-H centermost for imides acquired from ammonia is acerb and can participate in hydrogen bonding. Unlike the structurally accompanying acerbic anhydrides, they abide hydrolysis and some can even be recrystallized from baking water.
More about: 3,4,9,10-Perylenetetracarboxylic Diimide sale
Read more: chemical materials
Sunday, April 1, 2012
How to1 get 1,4,7-Trimethyl-1,4,7-triazacyclononane (stabilized with NaHCO3)?
Molecular Formula:C9H21N3
Molecular Weight: 171.28g/mol
1,4,7-Trimethyl-1,4,7-triazacyclononane is useful ligand for preparing transition metal complexes (1,2,3).
1,4,7-Triazacyclononane, known as "TACN" which is pronounced "tack-en," is a cyclic organic compound with the formula C6H12(NH)3. TACN is derived, formally speaking, from cyclononane by replacing three equidistant CH2 groups with NH groups. TACN is one of the oligomers derived from aziridine, C2H4NH. Other members of the series include piperazine, C4H8(NH)2, and the cyclic tetramer 1,4,7,10-tetraazacyclododecane.
TACN is a popular tridentate ligand. It is threefold symmetric and binds to one face of an octahedron of metalloids and transition metals. The (TACN)M unit is kinetically inert, allowing further synthetic transformations on the other coordination sites.
More about: 1,4,7-Trimethyl-1,4,7-triazacyclononane (stabilized with NaHCO3) sale
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Molecular Formula:C9H21N3
Molecular Weight: 171.28g/mol
1,4,7-Trimethyl-1,4,7-triazacyclononane is useful ligand for preparing transition metal complexes (1,2,3).
1,4,7-Triazacyclononane, known as "TACN" which is pronounced "tack-en," is a cyclic organic compound with the formula C6H12(NH)3. TACN is derived, formally speaking, from cyclononane by replacing three equidistant CH2 groups with NH groups. TACN is one of the oligomers derived from aziridine, C2H4NH. Other members of the series include piperazine, C4H8(NH)2, and the cyclic tetramer 1,4,7,10-tetraazacyclododecane.
TACN is a popular tridentate ligand. It is threefold symmetric and binds to one face of an octahedron of metalloids and transition metals. The (TACN)M unit is kinetically inert, allowing further synthetic transformations on the other coordination sites.
More about: 1,4,7-Trimethyl-1,4,7-triazacyclononane (stabilized with NaHCO3) sale
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