Thursday, November 17, 2011

Tungsten trioxide for Sale

Tungsten trioxide is a chemical compound like a light yellow crystallized powder. Tungsten trioxide is also called Tungstic anhydride, Tungsten(VI) oxide and Tungstic oxide. CAS:1314-35-8. It contains oxygen and the transition metal tungsten.
Tungsten trioxide can be prepared in several different ways. CaWO4, or scheelite, is allowed to react with HCl to produce tungstic acid, which decomposes to WO3 and water at high temperatures. It is obtained as an intermediate in the recovery of tungsten from its minerals.Tungsten trioxide is used for many purposes in everyday life.
Industry to manufacture tungstates for x-ray screen phosphors and also for fireproofing fabrics because of its rich yellow color, WO3 is also used as a pigment in ceramics and paints.
Grade: ZWO3-1
CAS: 1314-35-8
Molecular formula: WO3
Molecular Weight: 231.84 g/mol
Apparent Density: ≤1.0 g/cm3
Particle Size: ≤0.25 ?m BET≥3 m2/g

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