Monday, March 19, 2012

What is Quinizarin Blue?

Quinizarin Blue
Molecular Formula:C21H15NO3
Molecular Weight: 329.35g/mol
Quinizarin is a orange-red crystalline compound. It is soluble in ethanol, diethyl ether, benzene and hot water. It has an only limited solubility in cold water. Quinizarin can be oxidized to form 1,4,9,10-anthradiquinone by led tetraacetate.
Commercially quinizarin is prepared by interaction of 4-chlorophenol with phthalic anhydride at 190-195°C. Reaction is catalyzed with solution of boric acid H3BO3 in 100% sulfuric acid or diluted oleum. Quinizarin is refined by sublimaton or recrystallization.
Quinizarin is an intermediate in making violet, green, blue dyestuff for wool, including indanthrene and alizarin derivatives.
More about: Quinizarin Blue sale
Read more: chemical materials

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