Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Low surface yttrium zirconium powder related material USES!

Yttrium oxide mainly used for manufacturing microwave with magnetic material and military use important materials (single crystal; yttrium iron garnet, yttrium aluminum garnet etc composite oxide), also used for optical glass, ceramic material additives, big screen TV with high brightness fluorescent powder and other tube coating. Also used in the manufacture of film capacitor and special refractory, and high pressure mercury lamp, laser, storage element of bubble material. When sintering add yttrium oxide can effectively reduce the tungsten alloy grain degree.
Zirconia white heavy amorphous powder or monoclinic crystal. Odourless. Tasteless. In the 1100 ℃ above form four square crystal, in 1900 ℃ above form cubic crystal.
More about:buy Low surface yttrium zirconium powder
Read more:Kaolin kaolinite

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