Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Phenyl isocyanate toxicology

Phenyl isocyanate is colourless bright liquid. There are analeptic smell. Production linuron; diuron acclimated as a pesticide intermediates. Can be fabricated a alternation of carbamate insecticides, fungicides, herbicides, and aswell for convalescent the baptize attrition of the plastic, fabric, leather, etc.. Difunctional and aloft isocyanate can be acclimated to amalgamate a alternation of achievement polyurethane foam, rubber, adaptable fibers, paints, adhesives, constructed leather, bogus timber. The a lot of broadly used, the better achievement is: toluene diisocyanate (Toluene Diisocyanate, referred to as TDI); diphenyl methane diisocyanate (Methylenediphenyl Diisocyanate, referred to as MDI). In accession to stainless steel, nickel, glass, ceramics, added abstracts in acquaintance therewith accept been the accident of corrosion. Especially not the use of iron, steel, zinc, tin, chestnut or its admixture is acclimated as a alembic vessel. And the baptize acknowledgment of methylamine, carbon dioxide; in the attendance of balance water, methylamine and again acknowledge with the MIC to accomplish a 1,3 - dimethyl urea, biuret is formed in balance MIC, 1,3,5 - trimethyl. These two reactions are exothermic. Pure actuality in the attendance of a agitator beneath altitude abide self-dimerization acknowledgment and absolution of heat. When apparent to heat, accessible flame, the oxidant flammable. MIC vapor, nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide and hydrogen cyanide is acquired during combustion.

Phenyl isocyanate is awful toxic. Body 0.89 mg / m ^ 3 beneath assimilation of 1 to 5 minutes, 4 capacity had no should; 4.46mg / m ^ 3 3 tears and nasal irritation; accretion concentration, eyes and respiratory amplitude affliction gradually; 46.83mg / m ^ 3 capacity feel affliction can not endure. Eye and top respiratory affliction and damage: low concentrations could could could could could could could cause tears and coughing, top concentrations can could could could could could could could cause eye bloom and actinic burns. Aswell can accident the nasal mucosa, accident of faculty of that appears to that appears to smell and the close membranes of the top respiratory amplitude can could could could could could could could cause actinic damage. More than 50mg / m ^ 3, the concentration, can could could could could could could could cause derma edema, and tissue necrosis. Lung damage: concentrations beyond 50mg/m3, can aswell advance to actinic pneumonitis and pulmonary edema, or even could could could could could could could cause of ARDS. Not asleep generally accompanied by accessory infection acquired by breath scenting forced, broken lung function, continued time, can still be the accumulation of pulmonary fibrosis. Top concentrations, can aswell be due to bronchial access could could could could could could could cause suffocation. In addition, they can still could could could could could could could cause respiratory allergic reactions, to aggravate breath adversity and pulmonary edema. The abiding appulse is difficult to ascertain. Victims of the Bhopal, India, is still in follow-up. Assimilation as lye with anemic bounded aboriginal appliance glucocorticoid, and can be acclimated bronchodilators, antibiotics. India's anyone with an anti-edema biologic alleged Lasix, with little success.

more about: buy Phenyl isocyanate,Phenyl isocyanate

from: Chemistry chemicals