Tuesday, October 22, 2013

What is Passion flower?

Passiflora, known also as the passion flowers or passion vines, is a genus of about 500 species of flowering plant, the namesakes of the ancestors Passifloraceae. They are mostly vines, with some getting shrubs, and a few breed getting herbaceous. For advice about the bake-apple of the passiflora plant, see passionfruit. The monotypic brand Hollrungia seems to be inseparable from Passiflora, but added abstraction is needed.

More about:Passion flower Sales
From:pharmaceutical chemicals

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Losartan Carboxylic Acid applications in medicine

Cozaar (Losartan Carboxylic) first listed in 1994 , is now in 93 countries have been approved for use for the treatment of hypertension . Hyzaar has also including the U.S., 74 countries have been approved for use .
Merck currently apply in some countries outside the United States Cozaar treatment of heart failure indications. And have been registered in 12 countries for the treatment of those who are no longer suitable for the application of angiotensin -converting enzyme inhibitor (ACEI) therapy.
Cozaar and Hyzaar are AIIA class of drugs most prescribed drugs in the world, sales of anti-hypertensive drugs qualifying third . Since the advent of the drug , there have been more than 10 million patients who have taken Cozaar and Hyzaar . As these drugs Cozaar most widely studied drugs , there are more than 4,000 scientific papers published . Cozaar and Hyzaar are developed by Merck .
In order to assess the therapeutic effect of Cozaar , especially in improving hypertension, heart failure and recent heart attack survival rates , reduce morbidity , it has already launched a series of large-scale endpoint studies, including LIFE ( Cozaar treatment of hypertension survival Study ) and OPTIMAAL ( Cozaar after myocardial infarction study ) .
For Cozaar Kidney Protection Study (RENAAL) has published the annual meeting of American Society of Hypertension . This new landmark study achieved its primary goal , the first time demonstrated Cozaar for hypertension associated with type 2 diabetic nephropathy patients with renal protection . Cozaar group in patients with end-stage renal disease risk reduction of 28 %, usually these patients require dialysis and kidney transplant to maintain life .

More about:Losartan Carboxylic Acid suppliers
From:Natural herbal extracts

Friday, June 28, 2013

What is Serotonin(5-hydroxytryptamine)?

Serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine) is an indole derivative, Formula C10H12N2O, English name :5-hydroxy tryptamine, referred to 5-HT, commonly found in plant and animal tissues.
First of tryptophan catalyzed by tryptophan hydroxylase to form 5 - hydroxy tryptophan, and then after 5 - hydroxytryptophan decarboxylase catalysis to 5 - serotonin.
5 - HT was first discovered from the serum, also known as serotonin, widely present in mammalian tissues, particularly in the cerebral cortex and neuronal synapse quality content is high, it is also an inhibitory neurotransmitter. Peripheral tissues and 5 - serotonin is a potent vasoconstrictor and smooth muscle contraction irritants. In vivo 5 - serotonin can be made by monoamine oxidase to 5 - hydroxytryptamine aldehyde and five - HIAA and excreted in the urine.
5 - HT reacts with the acid crystallized salt. Its hydrochloride melting point 167 ~ 168 ℃; Picrates melting point 185 ~ 189 ℃. 5 - serotonin in the brain tissue concentrations higher nervous activity which is an important regulator substances. Some body tissue when subjected to certain drugs, you can release out of 5 - hydroxytryptamine, reserpine molecule can make such a role by the release of hundreds of organizations 5 - serotonin molecules, resulting in a series of physiological effects of reserpine .
As an autologous active substances, about 90% synthetic and distributed in enterochromaffin cells, usually stored together with ATP and other substances in the cells within the particles. Role in stimulating factors ,5-HT release from the particles inside, diffuse into the blood, and was platelet uptake and storage, storage accounts for about 8% of the whole body. 5-HT as a neurotransmitter, mainly in the pineal gland and hypothalamus, may be involved in pain, sleep, and the regulation of body temperature and other physiological functions. 5-HT content in the central nervous system and dysfunction may be associated with mental illness and migraine pathogenesis of many diseases.
5-HT receptors must be appropriate to have an effect mediated. 5-HT receptor sub-type complex, have been found seven kinds of 5-HT receptor subtypes. 5-HT through activation of different 5-HT receptor subtypes may have different pharmacological effects, but the 5-HT itself no clinical value.
The use of electronic means of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS), stimulation frequency in 1Hz (once per second), will make the lower frontal cortex dopamine function, striatum and hippocampus at elevated dopamine function, lower frontal cortex serotonin ( 5-HT) 2 receptors, increased frontal and cingulate cortex of the 5-HT1A receptor, can be considered to change the secretion of serotonin receptors.
Been most extensively studied neurotransmitters from 5 - serotonin, it is a pleasure to produce emotional messenger, affecting virtually every aspect of brain activity: from the regulation of mood, energy, memory to shape the outlook on life. Antidepressants such as fluoxetine hydrochloride is through increased brain 5 - serotonin levels and functioning (But scientists have recognized things are not so simple, sometimes the problem is not only a neurotransmitter deficiency on the new study focused The receiving apparatus in the nerve cell receptors on dendritic ─ considering their number and sensitivity of treatment is sufficient to properly bind to and neurotransmitter receptors without sufficient activity if the information can not be passed on, then the matter in the brain How much free neurotransmitter futile. receptor deficiency can cause a lot of trouble.). 5 - low serotonin levels are more prone to depression crowd, impulsive behavior, alcoholism, suicide, assault and violent behavior. Scientists even by changing the experimental animal brain 5 - serotonin levels to make them more aggressive.
Interestingly, the female brain Synthesis of 5 - HT rate is only half that of men, this may help explain why women are more prone to depression. With age 5 - the role of serotonin pathways work efficiency will decline, because the activation of 5 - serotonin receptors reduced. According to one study, 60-year-old and 30-year-old man compared to the brain, 5 - serotonin receptors specific number has been reduced by 60%. By five - the effect of serotonin decreased with age increase the likelihood of suffering from depression.
In addition, 5 - serotonin can enhance memory, and can protect neurons from "exciting neurotoxin," the damage. Therefore adequate 5 - serotonin in the aging process can indeed prevent brain damage occurs.
In addition, in a recent medical physics experiments, the side effects of serotonin embodied a certain lethal cells.

More about:5-hydroxytryptamine for sale

Saturday, April 27, 2013

What is Dispersing liquid T33?

CAS No.:13463-67-7

Molecular Formula:TiO2
Appearance:white cellophane aqueous with bule ablaze


Surface property:hydrophilic

Befitting abiding arrangement even afterwards abounding times dilutions, no precipitation and still befitting nano akin afterwards continued time storage.
Inside and alfresco of wall, apparent of appliance and glass;
High brand coating, latex-paint, self-cleaning painting;
Self-cleaning ceramics and tile;
Fluorescence light, paper-making industry
Ablaze catalystic; UV-resistance;
Textile and corrective as well

more about:Dispersing liquid T33 Sales
from: Nano products

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Phenyl isocyanate toxicology

Phenyl isocyanate is colourless bright liquid. There are analeptic smell. Production linuron; diuron acclimated as a pesticide intermediates. Can be fabricated a alternation of carbamate insecticides, fungicides, herbicides, and aswell for convalescent the baptize attrition of the plastic, fabric, leather, etc.. Difunctional and aloft isocyanate can be acclimated to amalgamate a alternation of achievement polyurethane foam, rubber, adaptable fibers, paints, adhesives, constructed leather, bogus timber. The a lot of broadly used, the better achievement is: toluene diisocyanate (Toluene Diisocyanate, referred to as TDI); diphenyl methane diisocyanate (Methylenediphenyl Diisocyanate, referred to as MDI). In accession to stainless steel, nickel, glass, ceramics, added abstracts in acquaintance therewith accept been the accident of corrosion. Especially not the use of iron, steel, zinc, tin, chestnut or its admixture is acclimated as a alembic vessel. And the baptize acknowledgment of methylamine, carbon dioxide; in the attendance of balance water, methylamine and again acknowledge with the MIC to accomplish a 1,3 - dimethyl urea, biuret is formed in balance MIC, 1,3,5 - trimethyl. These two reactions are exothermic. Pure actuality in the attendance of a agitator beneath altitude abide self-dimerization acknowledgment and absolution of heat. When apparent to heat, accessible flame, the oxidant flammable. MIC vapor, nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide and hydrogen cyanide is acquired during combustion.

Phenyl isocyanate is awful toxic. Body 0.89 mg / m ^ 3 beneath assimilation of 1 to 5 minutes, 4 capacity had no should; 4.46mg / m ^ 3 3 tears and nasal irritation; accretion concentration, eyes and respiratory amplitude affliction gradually; 46.83mg / m ^ 3 capacity feel affliction can not endure. Eye and top respiratory affliction and damage: low concentrations could could could could could could could cause tears and coughing, top concentrations can could could could could could could could cause eye bloom and actinic burns. Aswell can accident the nasal mucosa, accident of faculty of that appears to that appears to smell and the close membranes of the top respiratory amplitude can could could could could could could could cause actinic damage. More than 50mg / m ^ 3, the concentration, can could could could could could could could cause derma edema, and tissue necrosis. Lung damage: concentrations beyond 50mg/m3, can aswell advance to actinic pneumonitis and pulmonary edema, or even could could could could could could could cause of ARDS. Not asleep generally accompanied by accessory infection acquired by breath scenting forced, broken lung function, continued time, can still be the accumulation of pulmonary fibrosis. Top concentrations, can aswell be due to bronchial access could could could could could could could cause suffocation. In addition, they can still could could could could could could could cause respiratory allergic reactions, to aggravate breath adversity and pulmonary edema. The abiding appulse is difficult to ascertain. Victims of the Bhopal, India, is still in follow-up. Assimilation as lye with anemic bounded aboriginal appliance glucocorticoid, and can be acclimated bronchodilators, antibiotics. India's anyone with an anti-edema biologic alleged Lasix, with little success.

more about: buy Phenyl isocyanate,Phenyl isocyanate

from: Chemistry chemicals

Thursday, October 11, 2012

The Synthetic Cryolite Suppliers,Manufacturers,Price from KFO

Synthetic Cryolite (Sodium Aluminium Fluoride) is primarily acclimated as a alteration in the admixture or electrolytic assembly of aluminium and can be acclimated to abate the melting point of alumina. In the abrasion industry, it is acclimated as a accompaniment in affirmed abrasives and in abrasion coated linings. It is aswell acclimated in the bottle and apply industries.

Synthetic Cryolite is supplied as a dry crumb in 25kg cardboard sacks.
more about:
The Synthetic Cryolite Suppliers,Manufacturers,Price from KFO

What is 15(S)-HETE EIA Kit ?

15(S)-HETE EIA Kit  is produced from arachidonic acerbic by the agitator 15-lipoxygenase (15-LO). In bodies it is formed primarily in the respiratory epithelium, leukocytes, and reticulocytes. 15(S)-HETE has been detected in top concentrations in nasal secretions and may accord to allergic rhinitis. 15(S)-HETE EIA Kit  has anti-inflammatory properties, inhibiting carragheenan-induced arthritis and blurred leukotriene B4 (LTB4) concentrations in the synovial aqueous of dogs.3↗ It may adapt T-lymphocytes by inhibiting 5- and 12-LOs. It is aswell a vasoconstrictor, constricting bookish and coronary arteries of dogs in vitro and bookish arteries of pigs in vivo. 15(S)-HETE EIA Kit  may aswell play a role in cancer, inhibiting apoptosis by carcinosarcoma cells.Our 15(S)-HETE EIA is a aggressive appraisal that permits the altitude of 15(S)-HETE EIA Kit  aural the ambit of 10-0.1 ng/ml, about with a apprehension absolute of 0.2 ng/ml. This appraisal is actual specific for 15(S)-HETE EIA Kit , assuming actual low crossreactivity to added HETEs.
Raw pharmaceutical materials